it's doing it here as well!!!

 Trying to upload pictures here and getting the cookies message - so I can't post pictures here either!

This is getting stupid!!!

As for a recent change in Google - possibly. However, the post I was going to show would have had two pictures. One screenshot saying that cookies need to be allowed, the second a screenshot of my settings showing that cookies are allowed! I can't see any way if solving an issue that seems to be Google rather than me. I have tried Google help which basically said 'we can't help on an individualquery because we get too many queries'!


  1. Sorry to hear this - I noticed Jon at Palouse Wargaming Journal thinks the 'upload image' function has been changed recently, can't help feeling that might be the cause. It allows 4 different ways to upload - (1) from your computer (2) from Google Photos (3) from your blog ( i.e. re-use a pic already posted before) and (4) by URL from another site. All those work for me - are you having trouble with any one of those, or all? From your description it has something to do with cookie settings I suppose, maybe you have 'strict' security settings which it is objecting to? If changing cookie settings it may be worth closing and restarting the browser before trying the pictures again - or maybe even re-booting the PC.
    Sorry I am no PC/web expert, and you may of course have tried all these things already!

  2. Try these Rob.

    Fix issues with images and videos
    If you have problems when you try to upload images or videos to your blog, try these steps:

    Clear your cache and cookies.
    Turn your pop-up blocker off or, in your browser settings, allow pop-ups from
    Turn off any plugins you’ve installed on your browser.
    Make sure you’ve installed the latest version of your browser.

  3. This is disheartening. I was considering, after some prompting by others, starting a blog but this sort of hassle I just don't need. I wish you well and do hope you get through this.

    1. Please don't be put off - I'm sure this will have been a one-off glitch! I've found blogging has been a fantastic boost to my hobby, especially interaction with other bloggers, who have been unfailingly supportive and positive. Have made new friends and met them over games both on-line and in person, it's all good!
