OK, seeing if this works (still can't post pictures on Eastern Garrison blog)
This is what can only be described as a 'blog in progress'... so if it looks unfinished... that about describes it...
So, this works! Warrior Immortals.
I've gone for a more ornate paint scheme for these - only one unit so not an issue as far as time goes.
Quirky, but I quite like them.
OK, back to the 'main' problem... not sure what will happen with this 'new' blog, but I'll play around with it - see if I can import the old one for instance. That's it really. Playtime and see what happens.
Strangely, although replying via Google on the Eastern Garrison suddenly started working, I haven't managed to sort it here yet!
Thank you for the comments so far and transferring to be followers here. At the moment, best I can do re comments is add things to the body of the text - irritating but... Sometime today I'll probably put out a post showing the actual problem...
Though the new blog has thrown up another glitch. Followers show up on the blog Preview but aren't showing on the published blog!!!!